How to Make The Strongest Coffee in the World: A Guide

How to Make The Strongest Coffee in the World: A Guide

Jake Bonneman Jake Bonneman
11 minutes of coffee drinking

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Caffeine in Coffee: What is It?
  3. How Does Caffeine Work in the Body to Make Us Feel Energized?
  4. Coffee Strength Vs. Caffeine Content
  5. Caffeine in Robusta Beans vs. Arabica Beans
  6. How to make the strongest coffee possible.
  7. Is really strong coffee better than energy drinks?
  8. Does a strong coffee have more caffeine than a strong tea?
  9. Does the caffeine in strong coffee keep you awake longer?
  10. Black Insomnia: The strongest coffee in the world

1. Introduction

If you know anything about coffee at all, you probably know it's a beverage that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world every day. For many, it is a necessary part of the morning routine, providing a much-needed boost of energy to start the day.

Finding the strongest coffee can be tricky. The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee can vary widely, depending on the type of bean, the brewing method, and even the time of day.

But let's start at the beginning: Where does coffee get all its energizing properties? The answer lies in its caffeine content.

2. Caffeine in Coffee: What is It?

What's caffeine? It's a naturally-occurring stimulant that affects the central nervous system, providing a temporary increase in energy and alertness, among other benefits.

The amount of caffeine in coffee can vary depending on the type of bean used, the brewing method, and even the time of day that the coffee is harvested.

However, it is generally accepted that darker roast coffees contain a little—and I mean a little—less caffeine than lighter roasts, in general. This is because the roasting process breaks down some of the caffeine. However, there are a lot of variables at play in coffee, and roast level isn’t one to get hung up on in terms of getting the most caffeine out of your coffee.

If you are looking for the strongest cup of coffee with the highest possible caffeine content, you should opt for a classic roast or lighter roast. However, the difference isn't that great, so don't get too hung up on it. You'll see far more of a difference in the type of beans you brew with and how you brew your coffee than the roast you use.

3. How Does Caffeine Work in the Body to Make Us Feel Energized?

Caffeine works by binding to receptors in the brain that would normally be occupied by a substance called adenosine. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of tiredness and fatigue. When caffeine binds to these receptors, it prevents adenosine from having its normal effect, resulting in increased energy and alertness.

Caffeine also increases the release of other neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which can further enhance focus and energy levels.

One of the strengths of coffee is that it acts relatively quickly. The effects of caffeine can be felt within as little as 10-20 minutes, and they peak after about 30-60 minutes (with 45 minutes being a rough average of the time it takes for peak effects to be felt for most people).

4. Coffee "Strength" Vs. Caffeine Content

There's a lot of confusion out there about the relationship between coffee's strength and its caffeine content. So let's set the record straight:

When it comes to coffee, "strength" is not always the same thing as "caffeine content." Strength can either refer to the taste of the coffee or the amount of caffeine present.

In terms of taste, a strong coffee is simply one that has a robust flavor. This can be achieved through different brewing methods, or by brewing with dark roast coffee beans/grounds.

When it comes to caffeine content, a strong coffee is one that has a higher-than-average concentration of caffeine.

And unfortunately, there's no direct correlation between these two meanings. In other words, just because a coffee is strong in caffeine content doesn't necessarily mean it will be strong in taste, and vice versa. While a dark roast coffee might have a strong flavor, it might not necessarily be strong in terms of caffeine.

Conversely, a light roast coffee might not have a very robust flavor, but it could pack a bigger caffeine punch than a bolder tasting coffee.

Many people mistakenly think that a dark roast has more caffeine because of the stronger, more bitter taste, but that's not the case. Sure, there may be some psychosomatic effects at play (e.g. the fact it tastes stronger may give you the impression it's "stronger coffee" and hence make you feel a little more energized.). But in terms of actual caffeine content, it's dark roast coffees that tend to have just a bit less caffeine than other roasts.

And, obviously, for making the strongest coffee in terms of taste you’ll want to drink it black. It goes without saying, but, I’ll say it anyway (because why not?): adding all those milks, syrups, and creamers doesn’t exactly make for a “stronger” cup of coffee.

5. Caffeine in Robusta Beans vs. Arabica Beans

Now that we've cleared up the strength vs. caffeine content issue, let's talk a little bit about the two main types of coffee beans, and how they affect caffeine levels.

Quite simply, Robusta beans have significantly more caffeine than Arabica beans. In fact, Robusta beans contain about 150% the amount of caffeine that are in Arabica beans. (Robusta beans are about 2.5% caffeine while Arabica beans are around 1.7% caffeine.)

So, if you are looking for a strong coffee in terms of caffeine, you should opt for Robusta (or a Robusta/Arabica blend) over a 100% Arabica bean coffee.

Of course, as we mentioned earlier, the type of roast can also affect caffeine levels. So even if you are using Robusta beans, a light roast will still have more caffeine than a dark roast.

Therefore, if you want the strongest coffee possible in terms of caffeine content, you should look for a light roast coffee that contains Robusta beans rather than 100% Arabica beans.

6. What is the strongest coffee when it comes to caffeine?

In terms of caffeine content, the strongest coffee in the world is Black Insomnia. This has been verified by independent laboratory results (which you can view at the link just given). Black Insomnia contains a proprietary mix of beans and uses an artisan roasting process to deliver a flavorful coffee with the highest caffeine levels you'll find. So, for the strongest possible coffee in terms of caffeine content, Black Insomnia is the coffee you’re looking for.

7. How to make the strongest coffee possible

If you want to brew the strongest coffee possible, there are several things you can do. Remember, we're talking about caffeine content here, not flavor (fortunately, Black Insomnia has both).


To make the strongest coffee possible, you'll want to:

  1. Start with Black Insomnia. For the maximum possible caffeine content, you should use Black Insomnia Classic Roast. But if you like a dark roast, the caffeine content isn't that much different—so feel free to use whichever you prefer. You can easily make up for the difference in caffeine content between a classic roast and a dark roast in the next steps.
  2. Use cold water instead of hot water when brewing. Cold brewing will extract more caffeine from the beans.
  3. Use more coffee grounds than you normally would. This will obviously increase the caffeine content of your coffee.
  4. Brew for a longer time than usual. This will also help to extract more caffeine from the beans. If cold brewing, brew for the maximum of 24 hours to avoid over-extraction (i.e. bitterness) while extracting the most caffeine from the coffe grounds.
  5. Use a finer grind. The finer the grind, the more surface area of the bean that is exposed to water. This means that more caffeine will be extracted from the beans and into your cup.
  6. Use less water. This may seem counterintuitive, but technically, using less water will actually result in stronger coffee—as long as you give it enough time to extract. This is because there is less water to dilute the caffeine.

This last tip is just a suggestion, but it also never hurts to grind your beans just before brewing. While not “mission critical” for brewing the strongest coffee possible, using fresher, less-oxidized coffee may help a bit to maximize the caffeine content of your coffee. This is because the caffeine in coffee does get a little less potent as coffee ages.

But if you don't have time for grinding whole beans, don't worry—just use Black Insomnia coffee grounds and follow the other tips above, and you'll be well on your way to brewing the strongest cup of coffee you've ever had.

8. Is really strong coffee better than energy drinks?

It's no contest. True, while many people love the taste of coffee, others find it too bitter and like sugary energy drinks instead. However, when it comes to energy, coffee is the clear winner.

Energy drinks can contain caffeine (including caffeine from coffee) However, they also generally have other ingredients like loads of sugar, as well as taurine and numerous man-made stimulants. These energy drink stimulants can “pile up” in the body and give you anxiety and "jitters"—and can also lead to a crash later on as the body metabolizes the sugar. Neither is good for sustained energy throughout the day.

In contrast, coffee's lone stimulant is caffeine, which can result in a "mellower alertness" when combined with coffee's natural antioxidants. Compared to sugary energy drinks, this makes for a more balanced, sustainable energy that can help you power through your day. You can read more about why coffee is so much better than energy drinks right here.

9. Does a strong coffee have more caffeine than a strong tea?

Again, without question.

A cup of coffee has more caffeine than a cup of tea, hands down. Usually, by quite a lot.

So, even though a cup of coffee might have less liquid than a cup of tea, it will still pack more of a caffeine punch. And if you're comparing a cup of tea to a cup of strong coffee, the coffee will definitely have more caffeine and more of a stimulating, energizing effect.

The strongest tea in the world (in caffeine content) can't compare to even a regular cup of coffee, let alone the strongest coffee in the world, Black Insomnia. So, if you're looking for a real caffeine boost, coffee is the way to go.

Extreme Caffeine - Classic Roast Single Serve Cups

Extreme Caffeine - Classic Roast Single Serve Cups


The Strongest Coffee in the World - Because You're Not Here For Mediocre Black Insomnia isn’t just coffee; it’s a caffeine-fueled uppercut to your morning routine. It’s up to 4x stronger than your basic brew, because let’s be honest, you're… read more

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10. Does the higher caffeine in strong coffee keep you awake longer?

The answer to this question is a little complicated. Caffeine does indeed have a stimulating, wake-promoting effect. However, the effects of caffeine are different for different people.

Some people may find that a cup of coffee keeps them up all night, while others may find that it has no effect at all and they can sleep like a baby.

It's also important to note that the effects of caffeine can vary depending on how much coffee you drink, when you drink it, and your individual physiology/caffeine sensitivity. So, if you're trying to figure out how coffee will affect your sleep, it's best to experiment a bit and see what works for you. In general, though, it's safe to say that drinking stronger coffee with a higher caffeine content will make you more alert, and may keep you awake longer as well.

So, if you're looking for a way to stay up all night, a cup or two (or three) of strong coffee may be a good option. And if you really need to stay up all night (or all morning), you can always try Black Insomnia.

While extremely strong coffee can keep you awake for a long time, it's important to remember to space out your caffeine intake so that you can maximize the duration of its energizing effects. For example, if you're looking to stay up all night, have a cup of coffee early in the evening and then another later on, before the effects of the first cup have completely worn off.

And if you plan on drinking extremely strong coffee with a very high caffeine content, be sure to enjoy it in moderation and always start with less than you think you need. Remember, it's a lot easier to get more coffee in your body than it is to take it out.

11. Black Insomnia: The strongest coffee in the world

If you're looking for the strongest possible coffee in terms of caffeine content, Black Insomnia is the way to go.

In short, to brew the coffee with the most caffeine, start with Black Insomnia Classic Roast and cold brew it for a maximum of 24 hours. You may also want to grind your beans just before brewing to optimize the caffeine content—but this isn’t absolutely essential. (I see you, lazy people and people who don’t own a coffee grinder.)

Black Insomnia Coffee Beans

Black Insomnia Coffee Beans


For the serious coffee lover. Strong coffee with a Smooth, Nutty & Sweet Flavor. A carefully selected blend of high-quality Arabica and Robusta beans has made the new Black Insomnia even better. Roasted in an age-old Italian tradition, slowly and… read more

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