How Does Coffee Affect Hand-Eye Coordination?

How Does Coffee Affect Hand-Eye Coordination?

Jake Bonneman Jake Bonneman
8 minutes of coffee drinking

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Table of Contents:

  1. Coffee and Hand-Eye Coordination: A Brief Overview
  2. How Caffeine Affects Hand-Eye Coordination (Specifically)
  3. Caffeine and Reaction Time
  4. Why is Hand-Eye Coordination Important?
  5. Does Drinking Coffee Help Hand Eye Coordination?
  6. How (and Why) Does Caffeine Improve Hand Eye Coordination?
  7. How Long Does Coffee Take To Improve Hand-Eye Coordination?
  8. How Much Coffee Should You Drink to Improve Hand Eye Coordination?
  9. The Bottom Line on Caffeine and Hand-Eye Coordination

1. Coffee and Hand-Eye Coordination: A Brief Overview

We all (hopefully) know that coffee has caffeine in it. But what does caffeine actually do, besides help you wake up? Well, caffeine is a natural stimulant, which means it can make you feel more energized and alert.

But the benefits of coffee don't stop there. One of coffee’s lesser-known benefits is improved hand-eye coordination. That's because it can improve your reaction time, as well as help you focus and pay attention. Whether you're doing something that requires quick reflexes or just playing a game with your thumbs on your phone, the caffeine in coffee can give you an edge.

2. How Caffeine Affects Hand-Eye Coordination (Specifically)

There are a few ways that caffeine can improve hand-eye coordination. First, it can help you focus. If you're trying to hit a small target, caffeine can help you pay attention and improve your aim.

Caffeine can also decrease (improve) reaction time. That means it can help you react more quickly to something that's happening in the game or in real life.

Lastly, caffeine can improve coordination by making your muscles work better. When you're doing something that requires quick movements, like playing tennis or basketball, caffeine can help your muscles work more efficiently.

3. Caffeine and Reaction Time

We've all had those moments where we've reacted too slowly to something. Maybe we didn't hit the brakes in time to avoid bumping the Mercedes in front of us, or maybe we didn't react quickly enough to avoid the heirloom tomato that was thrown at us at the coffee shop poetry slam. It happens. To me. A lot.

Reaction time is the amount of time it takes us to respond to something that's happening. The faster our reaction time, the better. Caffeine can help improve reaction time.

Hand-eye coordination and reaction time are closely linked. Caffeine can help you improve your reaction times—and not just in mobile games. Check out this study about caffeine's effects on reaction times and general performance in a simulated Tae Kwon Do contest.

4. Why is Hand-Eye Coordination Important?

Hand-eye coordination is important for everyday tasks like driving, typing, and using a mouse. It's also important for activities that require quick reflexes, like sports and video games.

Some people are born with great hand-eye coordination, while others have to work a bit harder at it. But whether you're a natural or you have to practice, hand-eye coordination is a skill that can be improved with practice. Fortunately, both kinds of people can enjoy temporary improvements from ingesting caffeine.

5. Does Drinking Coffee Really Help Hand Eye Coordination?

Yes. Other than that abomination known as decaf, coffee is a good source of caffeine. That means drinking coffee does improve your hand-eye coordination temporarily.

Of course, not all coffee is created equal. How a cup of joe affects your reaction time and coordination depends on multiple factors—including how strong the joe is—which we'll get into a little bit later.

6. How (and Why) Does Caffeine Improve Hand-Eye Coordination?

Caffeine can improve hand-eye coordination in a few ways:

  • It can help you focus. If you're trying to hit a small target, caffeine can help you pay attention and improve your aim.
  • It can improve reaction time. That means it can help you react more quickly to something that's happening in the game or in real life.
  • It can make your muscles work better. When you're doing something that requires quick movements, whether you're playing tennis, basketball, or Candy Crush, caffeine can help your muscles work that much more efficiently.

What are the Scientific Reasons for this?

Without getting too technical, caffeine’s benefits for athletic performance are more pronounced on muscles in the upper body than those in the lower body. Just to clarify, this means that while caffeine has a positive effect on strength and power in both the upper and lower body, the effects are more noticeable in the upper body.

This is why hand-eye coordination is especially improved with caffeine consumption: the muscles required for precise hand movements are in the upper body.

For more information on how caffeine affects the muscles, see the 2018 study Effects of caffeine intake on muscle strength and power: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

7. How Long Does Coffee Take To Improve Hand-Eye Coordination?

Depending who you are, a cup of coffee will take approximately somewhere between 10 minutes up to a whole hour for you to feel the effects. However, 20 minutes to 30 minutes is generally when many people start to feel more alert and those effects, including improved hand-eye coordination, set in.

45 minutes is the peak of caffeine concentration in the blood (source), when coffee will have its maximum effect on your hand-eye coordination.

All this means that if you drink coffee before playing a game or doing something that requires quick reflexes and good coordination, you'll probably have the best performance if you drink the coffee about 20-30 minutes beforehand. Make sure to time your coffee drinking appropriately!

8. How Much Coffee Should You Drink to Improve Hand Eye Coordination?

The amount of caffeine that will noticeably improve your hand-eye coordination depends on multiple factors, including:

  • One is how much caffeine you're used to drinking. If you don't normally drink coffee, even a small amount of caffeine can have an effect.
  • Another factor (related to the first) is how sensitive you are to caffeine. Some people are more sensitive to it than others and will feel the effects with less caffeine.
  • Also, how much caffeine is in your coffee, exactly? Naturally, if you're drinking the coffee with the most caffeine there's going to be a greater effect than if you're drinking regular coffee, or... (shudder) decaf.

    A typical cup of caffeinated coffee contains roughly 95 milligrams of caffeine. That's enough to improve hand-eye coordination somewhat for most people. But if you're sensitive to caffeine, you might only need half that amount, or even less. And if "typical" coffee doesn't cut it for you, there's always the strongest coffee in the world.
  • Yet another factor is your body weight. The more you weigh, the more coffee you’ll usually need to drink to feel the same effects. (Do remember to factor in caffeine sensitivity though—people can weigh more and easily be more sensitive to caffeine than those who weigh less.)

So, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to how much coffee you should drink. But generally speaking, a good rule of thumb is to start with 1 cup and see how you feel. If you don't notice any effects, try two cups. (If you're caffeine sensitive, you should obviously drink less.)

Extreme Caffeine - Classic Roast Single Serve Cups

Extreme Caffeine - Classic Roast Single Serve Cups


The Strongest Coffee in the World Black Insomnia is up to 6 x stronger than average coffee - because you are more than average! Now available in single serve coffee cups for so you can start your morning with a… read more

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9. The Bottom Line on Caffeine and Hand-Eye Coordination

Caffeine can improve hand-eye coordination by helping you focus, decreasing (improving) your reaction time, and making your muscles work just a little better. If you're sensitive to caffeine, even a small amount can have an effect. The best way to find out how much coffee you need to drink is to experiment a bit and see what works for you.

All in all, if you're looking for a quick and easy way to improve your hand-eye coordination, drinking some coffee beforehand is an option to consider. This may not be news to some of you out there, but it's always good to have a reminder.

So next time you're getting ready for a game or event make sure to give yourself enough time for that cup of coffee to work its black magic—about 20 to 30 minutes should do the trick.

Tip: Remember, contrary to popular belief, a shot of espresso has less caffeine than a cup of coffee, so if you want the most caffeine, ditch the espresso and go for a cup of coffee.

And if you're looking for an even bigger performance boost (and you can handle your caffeine) try the strongest coffee in the world, Black Insomnia. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility. But if you really want to step up your game, it might be worth (more than) a shot.

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